Does Your Company Have a Mobile Computing Strategy?

Cloud computing, broadband Internet, and consumerization of IT are fueling the demand for mobile computing. Supporting employees in the field and traveling employees and connecting with customers are top areas of focus for IT today. Support for employees working from home and mobile commerce also drive the demand for mobile computing. The outbreak of mobile computing raises a number of concerns, including device theft and loss, mobile-specific virus/malware, and personal use of business devices. Additionally, mobile users may put additional strain on your corporate network and WiFi connections.

Is Your Network Ready for Cloud Computing?

Cloud-based computing adoption is increasing among many businesses. According to the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) Annual trends in Cloud Computing study, 60% of business owners reported having 30% or more of their IT Systems in the cloud. Additionally, research firm IDC predicts cloud-computing solutions to total $24 billion by 2016.