An effective marketing strategy can often make the difference between making prospects customers and driving them away. It is important to engage your customers early and gain their trust. The key to a strong marketing strategy is to be in front of your customers, so that when they’re ready to buy, they are already familiar with you. Here are some tips on how to engage with your customers on a regular basis:

Blog Often

Writing helpful and compelling blog articles is a very effective way for your organization to stay in front of your customers and relate on a more personal level. Plus, blog articles contain content that search engines use to find, log, and rank your company, which brings your site more traffic. Therefore, it is important to blog regularly so your site remains relevant, and your customers stay engaged with your company.

Stay Connected with Newsletters

Monthly email newsletters are one of the most efficient ways to increase existing sales and stay in direct contact with your customers. A very high percentage of consumers check their email everyday, which makes email the leading communication channel to your customers. Therefore, it is very important to put thought into these newsletters, such as the title, the content, the length, and the design.

Develop a Professional Web Presence

A professional website helps your potential customers take your business seriously. The Internet is the first place consumers will go for information about a business, so it is imperative that you spend the time to design an attractive website that completely and accurately represents your services. When customers can log onto your website and easily find the information they want on their own time, their satisfaction with your business increases. Unlike before the Internet age, a professional website expands your customer base, as it allows you to reach nationwide or globally. And, most important to note for small businesses, a professional looking website can level the playing field for smaller companies trying to compete against larger enterprises.

Most Important Elements to Include in Your Website

In order to develop a professional web presence, there are some key elements you should add to your website. Make sure that your crucial business information, such as a powerful and succinct mission statement, contact information, and best services are highly visible and easy to locate on your website. People have short attention spans, so include things like your phone number on every page. Strong calls to action are also essential for small businesses; be clear of what your want your customers to do using calls to action, such as offering free quotes or opportunities to sign up for your newsletter. Adding a testimonial page is a great way to share honest words from other customers, which makes your services more tangible and helps build trust in your business. Also, as smartphones and tablets drive an increasing amount of web traffic, it’s important to design your website for anything with an Internet connection. A smart and effective marketing strategy can increase your customer base and move your business to the next level. If you want to discuss your marketing strategy, contact ClikCloud today.