Is your free website delivering maximum marketing results, or is your company spending far too much time and money into developing and updating a website that doesn’t lead to new customers? Here are the most important things to consider in order to leverage the most business out of your company’s website:

Update Website Content Regularly

Websites that receive the most traffic are those where content is regularly changing, being added to, and improved. Therefore, it is important to update your website regularly with new content, such as blog posts, events, or team expansion. Search engines reward websites that update often by moving them up the rankings. And, when clients see and learn something new each time they visit your website, they inherently view your site as more valuable. Giving your visitors a reason to come back to your site will increase the chance of closing a transaction.

Drive Traffic Through a Monthly Email Newsletter

A monthly email newsletter is another important and economical way to direct people to your website. These newsletters are a great way to keep in touch with prospects, generate trust, develop brand awareness, and build future business. Just make sure you don’t send unsolicited emails without permission to people with whom you have no relationship. This defeats the purpose.

Position Your Company for Success

Does your website attract and convert visitors into leads consistently? If the answer is no, you may not be communicating your services and value in the best way possible. A great way to tell your company’s story is through client testimonials, which helps generate trust in your business. Another great way to stand out from the crowd is to do some research on your competitors. Provide customer offers and calls to action that are not already on the market. If you need help updating your website or changing web hosts, contact your trusted IT advisor today.